Q1 2023 Quarterly Tech Tip & Service Reminder

Q1 2023 Quarterly Tech Tip & Service Reminder

Tech Tip: Setting Sag

Setting proper sag is one of the most overlooked, yet critical, maintenance items on dirt bikes. Confirming proper spring rates & sag is 90% of your suspension set-up. The other 10% is clickers, oil height, re-valving, cartridge kits, ect - you shouldn’t even be wondering about this other stuff if you’ve never set your sag…

How do you set sag? There are tons of good tutorials online, but below is one of my favorites.

How do you know if your springs are right for you? If you cant get both your static sag and rider sag within (or very close to) the recommended range, then you need different springs (I can dial you in with these if needed). Recommended sag range:

  • Static Sag: 30 - 35mm

  • Rider Sag: 95 - 110mm

Want to know exactly what sag number you should be targeting (not just the broad range provided above)? Check out Race Tech’s Spring Rate Calculator and punch in your bike and rider info.

How To Set Sag on a Dirt Bike

It's time to check your service intervals.


We prefer to monitor service intervals via hour meters for two reasons:

  1. Hour meters are a more accurate representation of the wear-and-tear on a bike than mileage.

  2. Hour meters are more common, easy, and cheaper to install than odometers.

Don’t have an hour meter? Bring your bike in, and we’ll dial ya in with one. Even better… if you spend $200 or more on your next job with us, we’ll install one free of charge - just request it!


 Have questions? Feel free to reach out to me at wes@roccoracing.com. I’ll get back to you ASAP!

- Weston Rocco Furia, Owner & Mechanic


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